2020 Year in Review

This has been the strangest and most interesting year of my life. Who would’ve imagined we would all have to deal with a global pandemic? Adjust our daily routines, work from home, avoid our social circles, and even family. As much as we all wish we could skip 2020, there were still some really memorable events that happed this year.


I don’t talk much about such polarizing topics like politics. But this year, we got rid of Donald Trump. He will most certainly go down in history as one of the worst presidents of all time. I was really nervous that collectively as a society, we lost every bit of dignity and critical thinking we had left. Not only did Trump handle COVID-19 very poorly, but his attacks on medical professionals and scientists were downright frightening. His cabinet appointees have caused a lot of damage as well. From the poor job of the secretary of education, to the deregulation of environmental protections, withdrawal from the Paris Agreement on climate change, separating migrant children from their parents, supreme court justices, approval of the Keystone pipeline, and mishandling of the BLM movement to name a few.

Black Lives Matter

Speaking of BLM. I’m not sure how you convince white privileged folks that there’s a major issue that has been around for literally decades that needs to be addressed. Police reform is a real problem. There has to be regulation and oversight. It’s been very apparent for a long time but this year we saw the frustration boil over. We live in a modern day society and that society should be better for everyone. That includes a police force that is reflective of the communities they serve. A police force with the proper training. A police force that understands their main priority should be to de-escalate a situation.

NBA Playoffs

The NBA bubble was must see TV. I always watch a lot of basketball throughout the year but 2020 was something unique and special. It was essentially a glorified AAU tournament. Some of the notable teams were the undefeated Suns, the comeback Nuggets, and the young but talented Heat. So many great games during the bubble in Orlando. I’m really going to miss that format and the quality of those playoffs.


The final season of DARK was released. I’ve talked about this show before but it’s seriously one of the best science fiction shows that has ever been produced. If you enjoy the genre, you should definitely check it out.


I managed to take a road trip to Michigan this year with my cousin Beaumont. We checked out Grand Rapids, Traverse City, Silver Lake Sand Dunes, Sleeping Bear, Mackinaw Island, Picture Rocks National Park, Marquette, and too many breweries to count. I had never been to Michigan before, but it is certainly one of the neatest places to visit on the east coast. You have the brew culture, the great lakes, and just generally some amazing sights to explore. I plan on writing another blog detailing that trip so check back sometime next year for that.

New Home

I purchased a house this year as well. I’ve been busy spending the last couple of months meticulously picking out every bit of furniture and designing the home that I’ve always wanted. I’ve been very picky about everything in my life, part of that comes from being a designer but it also stems from the fact that I want things to be perfect. Even though that seems like an impossible task sometimes, I’m going to get as damn close as I can.


With businesses being closed on and off all year long and just being overly cautious, I spent a great deal of time at home listening to music. Per tradition, I’ve put together a playlist of my favorite songs I discovered throughout the year. In addition to my favorite individual songs, I’ve listed several albums that I throughly enjoyed. So if you have the time to spare, dive in and take a listen. Who knows, maybe you’ll discover something new just as I have this year.

Best of 2020 Playlist

Listen on your preferred streaming platform by selecting one of the buttons below.

Favorite Albums

Washed Out – Purple Noon
Tame Impala – The Slow Rush
Tycho – Simulcast
Amtrac – Oddyssey
Attom – That One Summer
Attom – Oasis EP
Cosmo’s Midnight – Yesteryear
Elderbrook – Why Do We Shake In The Cold?
Brothertiger – Paradise Lost
Forester – A Range of Light

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