2022 Year in Review

Sorry I didn’t post anything this year. I planned to share photos from past trips to San Diego and Florida, but never got around to it. Had family health issues earlier in the year and afterwards I suppose I just got busy living.

Part of the reason I’m posting is to catch everyone up on this past year. I’ll be sharing a little bit about events that took place, my favorite new music, and for the first time some live concert footage.

If you’d like to jump around, feel free to click any of the links below:

Dad’s Health

My dad caught COVID-19 in the beginning of the year. He showed the typical flu like symptoms early on. But after a week or so he started getting seriously ill. He lost his appetite and with it almost 40 pounds. He became so weak, he couldn’t even feed and water his horses.

After battling a bit of stubbornness, we ended up taking him to the hospital. By this time he barely could get out of bed. After a couple of weeks of various tests and different doctors analyzing his condition, he was finally discharged. The combination of IVs to rehydrate him and steroids to stimulate his appetite proved to be vital in getting him back on his feet.

We never really learned what caused his health to diminish so quickly, but the consensus was that he was dealing with what they call “long COVID.” His taste was severely altered to the point where everything he tried eating tasted “burnt.” This led him to essentially give up on eating and the dramatic weight loss followed.

As scary as it was to deal with, we’re thankful it wasn’t something much worse (cancer). Happy to see him back to full health and enjoying life again.

‎⁨Santa Rosa Beach⁩

Every few years, me and my brother try to take our mother to Florida. Since we were children, we’d always do the traditional beach vacation. This year, she assumed we couldn’t go and instead made plans to share a condo with her sister.

But we wanted to surprise her, so we both bought tickets to fly down the day after they arrived. Which ended up being a delightful moment!

It’s so relaxing to just hang out on the balcony or the beach. Taking in the beautiful scenery and sounds of the ocean.

Land Between the Lakes

I have a couple of friends (buds) who used to work with me at the same company. We meet up usually once a week for brews and random banter. One of the them has a family lake property at the Land Between the Lakes. She invited us down one weekend to cruise around on her boat and have a good time. It was the perfect way to end the summer.

miscellaneous photos

Here’s a collection of some random photos I took this year. Mostly from walking around the city but also back home where I grew up.

Best of 2022 Playlist

I’ve put together a playlist of my favorite tracks I’ve listened to this year. Listen on your preferred streaming platform by selecting one of the buttons below.

If you’re interested, you can find my other best of playlists on my Apple Music and Spotify profiles. Typically the genres cover Alternative, Electronic, Synth-pop, and Electro-pop.

live music

Here’s some live recordings from my favorite concerts I attended. Luckily, I was able to see both of my favorite musicians in the same year.

Recorded on February 2, 2022 at Headliners Music Hall in Louisville, KY.
Recorded on June 21, 2022 at Eastside Bowl in Nashville, TN.

So there’s my 2022 recap. I’m off to spend the holidays with family and friends. I promise to post more next year (I’ll be traveling to Cuba here soon). So until then, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

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