dustymccarty.com 2.0

It’s been seven years since I redesigned my website. My goal back then was to create a site that could display some of my creative work for potential full-time employment opportunities. The work included my school projects in addition to some freelance.

Eventually, I started adding work I was creating for my previous employer. At the same time, I took an interest in creating films while I was traveling. The films were short and simple, but few and far between. The site seemed to never be able to have a steady flow of new content.

Later on I developed another interest in creating playlists for some of my favorite new music. I started sharing them thinking maybe this would be the influx of content my site needed.

After seven years of keeping the site up and running, I realized my professional / freelance work, personal films, and playlists weren’t enough to keep it updated on a regular basis.


So here we are, with a brand new design with a fresh perspective on what this site is all about. I’ve gutted the color, textures, and extra fluff in favor of a design that better fits who I am and what I am all about. Minimalism. Throughout my life personal and professional, I always try to do more with less. I enjoy the beauty that lies with a light, clean, and open layout. Not hampered by the over excessive, messy, clunkiness of trying to do too much.

This new website is an attempt to capture that essence and become the future of my online presence. In doing so, I’ve come to the conclusion that the content displayed on this site will also be different. Going forward, this website will continue to display some of my professional creative work. But over the past few years I’ve really developed a passion for photography. I feel like it’s in this area that the site really has a place to grow. I’m much more consistent with producing photography and hosting those stories here would be a great place to start.

In addition to my design work, photography, and short films, I plan to routinely produce written content in the form of a personal blog. I’ve always wanted to get around to creating one but never really dedicated the time until now. With my new found passion for photography and love of traveling I feel like creating content for a blog will be much easier than I originally anticipated.

I hope you found this first entry insightful. I’ve redesigned the entire page from the ground up with a new found purpose based around graphic design, photography, and blogging. As always, you can keep up with my latest updates via Twitter / Instagram. Till the next update.


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